FIrst off, some upcoming shows: I'll be performing again in six perforamnces of Once Up On a Cube in early September as part of the Totally Thames Festival. See Performing for dates, times, and a linkto book for the Syon House show (free but ticket required). No booking needed for the Deptford shows, just turn up!
The concert I played in last September performing scores from Jennifer Walshe's The Text Score Dataset has had a great review from Robert Barry in Tempo.

Some recent releases: Marginalia 18 and 19 document improvisations undertaken with the brilliant artist Claire Zakiewicz. Here Comes Everybody is a recording of my first outing under this name at Fourth Portal Gravesend in June. All availble to donload from Bandcamp.
The Rising of the Lights album is taking a while to get ready, but it's in the can and we're sorting out titles and artwork, so hopefully that will see the light of day before very long. It'll be a limited edition lathe cut vinyl release on Dog Tunnel Records.
More gigs and performances are in the pipeloine, both solo and RoTL sets and some rather special projects which I shall hopefully be able to announce soon.

Finally, I've recently had the fortune to acquire this impressive instrument. I'll be writing more about it as I begin to explore it, but for now I shall just explain that it's a five-string cello with 15 sympathetic strings running from that strange arc on the side through the body. It was built by the French luthier Alexandre Letellier. This will likely form the focus of my first post-doctoral project once I submit my PhD thesis (hopefully in early summer next year).
I may document the proces of getting to know this cello in a blog. Blogging's something I haven't done for a long time, but like many people I've been thinking about social media and its place in my life a lot lately. Obviousy Twitter is now a bin fire and I've ditched that. I've largely abandoned Facebook too although I am still on Instagram for the moment (I know) as @petemaskreplica, and you can find me on Mastadon as well: @[email protected]. The less social media I do though the less I feel any need to do it at all. The idea of blogging, as something longer-form that requires a bit more effort and attention both the write and to read, appeals to me right now. So look forward to partying like it's 2005 very soon...